When I was in college I had no money. I never had money, but one time I had like a dollar in my account. Well I called home and was crying because I was frustrated about it along with finals at school. Well the next day I looked online at my account and there was a deposit of $10.00.
My dad took his coin jar, usually saved for Vegas, into the bank and cashed in the money and put it in my account. I called and talked to him and he said that he never wanted me to have to ask for money or help from him and that he would always be there for me. And he has. Even though the dollar amount wasn't a whole lot, the lesson of learning just how much my Dad loves me was priceless.
Thanks for everything you do for me Dad!! I LOVE YOU!!
Yeah Katie, way to not go with the sentimental stuff. Hey make sure Dad looks at the blogs, the kids are way excited to know what he thinks of their pics.
OH don't worry I'll make sure he sees them!
Right, Katie, not sentimental at all!!! Dad will cry, make sure I am not at home when he sees this.
aww...Dads are the best!!
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