Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Isaac!!!!

This year Isaac turned 7! We got to have him for his birthday this year because he was here for Thanksgiving, and it was a blast! We had a small party at Grandma Hartle's with Uncle Troy and Aunt Jamee and their kids as well as Grandma and Grandpa Merkley. Isaac wanted me to make him a cake, so I bought a Harry Potter cake pan and decorated it. It took a couple of hours, but I had a ton of fun making it for him. And it actually turned out great!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

We're Thankful For....

Well it's finally Thanksgiving, and that means we have a special day to reflect on things Ryan and I are thankful for.

Ryan's Entry:

This year has been exceptionally eventful from selling our house to having Jace come into our lives. As I celebrate this day of thanks, I would like to give thanks for Katie, Jace, and Isaac. Our little family grew this year with the birth of Jace and he has been a true blessing that has brought our family closer. You can never know the meaning of true love until our Heavenly Father entrusts you with one of his special spirits to raise. Both Jace and Isaac have been special spirits in our lives that has taught us much. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father trusted Katie and I enough to send us these two special spirits. Even though Isaac does not live with us always, it is a blessing in our lives to have him with us, teaching us patience and love. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father through these rough times, has allowed us to sell our home and now we are building our dream home. Even though it is not in Lapoint like we thought we always wanted to live, our journey is continuing on with our new home in Vernal. Most importantly however, as we enter the holiday season by celebrating Thanksgiving and then to continue with the season by celebrating Christmas, I must contemplate on the thing that I am most thankful for and that is my Savior Jesus Christ. He has been my true friend through everything. I am so thankful that he loved me and all of us so much, that he gave his life for us that if we live true and faithful, we can live with him for eternity, as well as our families. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that heavenly father sent Katie to me to make my life whole.
Katie's Entry:

There isn't enough room on this page to write everything I'm thankful for. Ryan is right to say that a lot of blessings have come into our lives this year, and words will never be able to express how wonderful and precious they are. Jace has truly been a godsend! I didn't know what motherhood would be like, but it is the most wonderful journey to be on! I'm also thankful for Isaac! He teaches me patience and love. He is such a good big brother to Jace. He always talks to him when he calls, and he is always telling me that he loves being his brother. Isaac sometimes even tells me he worries if he can love two brothers (He has another brother in Rawlins) but he always manages to show each of them his love for them.I'm so thankful for my husband Ryan. He means so much to me and I don't know what I would do without him. He works so hard to provide for our family, and he never complains. Ryan is truly an amazing husband and father. I love him with all of my heart!
Most of all I'm thankful for a loving Father in Heaven who loves me enough to send me a wonderful family to take care of on Earth. I'm thankful for the Gospel and the lessons it teaches me so I can return to live with Him and my family forever. I'm thankful for this holiday season! I love the aromas, the lights, the feelings of love and thanks that last for the rest of the year.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Big Boy

Well, I know this was supposed to be Jace's appt post, but the doctors (all of them) are out of town and won't be back until early December. So this is going to be the "Oh my gosh he's gotten so big" post.
You know...I knew Jace was a big baby. 9 lbs 3 oz for a newborn just spells big doesn't it? I know that babies grow everyday and that in that process their personalities change and their awareness of you and people around them grow. I just didn't realize how much or how fast until now. What made it click? Andrea had her baby on November 13. Landon Brent Cook weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 20 inches long.
Jace and I went to visit her on the 14th and when I got to hold the little (and I mean little) Landon I had to double check he was in my arms! He was SO light I thought I was just holding the blanket!! Thankfully I took my camera and got a picture of Jace laying next to Landon. That's when it hit me. My little boy is growing. I knew he was, but when I put him next to that small baby, my heart both jumped with joy and cried. Over the last few weeks Jace has learned to grab everything. That includes moms hair, moms nose and mouth, and when I change his diaper he grabs his toes and legs. It's easy to see how I could get caught up and not notice time passing by. He's so darn cute! When Jace and I got home I just looked at him and marveled at what a little miracle he's been for Ryan and I. So over the last few days I've pondered and looked at all the pictures of Jace as a newborn. I miss those times so much!! The soft fat cheeks, the wrinkles, the way he would lay in my arms and snuggle close to hear my heartbeat, and the times that I would watch him open his eyes for a second and see them looking at me seeming to say "Hi Mommy".
I still see those same eyes, but they've changed and the newness he had is growing dim ready to shine light on the next chapter of his life. I'm really excited to see him grow and move onto those fun things of crawling and banging pans and maybe even chewing on dirt! I want to see him trying out everything because it's all new and fasinating. I can't wait to hear him say "ma ma" or "da da" and hear his laughter fill my home even more than he does now.
So here is to all the moms! For the ones who have held their babies, maybe even a grandchild or two, and remember the miracle they are. And for the new moms who hold their baby now and get to experience it for the first time. Enjoy every minute of it!

1st picture: Landon Brent Cook (taken by Andrea & Brent Cook)
Sorry I copied it Andrea! It was too cute!
2nd: Landon & Jace
3rd: Jace as a newborn

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good Luck Andrea!

Hey here's a shout out for Andrea who is going to meet her first son Landon on or before Thursday!! Good luck with labor, and all I can say is HANG IN THERE HUN!!!!!! It only lasts one day. It only lasts ONE day! Just keep thinking that. :)
(Plus it's SO worth it when it's all over. ) Call me when he's here. Love ya!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Changes

Every now and then we all have to go through changes. While some are not fun, like packing up and moving, others are quite enjoyable. In our little family we've had two changes in the last few days.

First, is something I guess I've been expecting since Jace was born. Thumb sucking. Yes, yes, Jace has finally learned how to suck his thumb. For those in my family who know me, you remember that I was an avid thumb sucker. I sucked my thumb until I was probably 5 or 6. (Mom remembers, I don't) And despite my Aunt Dawns warnings it never turned black and it never fell off. Sorry Aunt Dawn. I knew you said that only because you love me. :)

Second, is something I think every new mom needs every three months (pay attention Andrew) A NEW HAIR DO!!! Ryan and I went out to SLC this last Saturday and I had the chance to pamper myself and get a new do. I love it!! Shannon, the stylist, cut off about 4 inches and it feels so weird to have my hair so short. But she did an awesome job and I think this is going to be my look for a while. I feel like the lead female singer of Sugarland which is where I got the idea for my style. The best part is that it has a lot of volume now. Shannon made it so some of my hair actually holds up the rest. I didn't know hair could do that! Well I hope you all like it!

Coming up next week......

-4 month check ups. Jace's weight, height, and how he did with shots.