Sunday, October 28, 2012

Update :)

So I'm over here at my mother-in-laws house paying bills online, and decided to do a quick update. (for those who still read this anyway....sorry no pics this time either) SO a lot has been going on in our little family. Ryan has been applying for new jobs since his hours have been drastically cut at his current job this last week. Please pray with us that he finds one soon. Isaac has started basketball practice and is enjoying far :) We get to see him for Thanksgiving this year and can't wait! He was with us a couple weeks ago during fall break and we went as a family to see the movie Hotel Transylvania. Too cute! We had so much fun! Jace had his first SEOP conference at preschool and it was SO fun! (for me anyway) I learned a lot about the kinds of things he's learning at school, and I got to talk to his teachers for a few minutes. I'm so glad Jace has the teachers he does. They are amazing! Kayson has recently had a growth spurt and is in size 3T clothes already! I haven't checked, but it seems like he's grown a full inch. I look at him and just can't believe how big he is getting. Baby Maddox (only offically his name as long as he comes out looking like it) is a kicking storm! I'm 28 weeks along and feeling great! I'm in full nesting stage right now and can't seem to stop cleaning everything. Last Friday I cleaned the downstairs carpet where we walk alot and am so proud to see it shining! LOL! I just want to get on top of things right now and relax when it's time to meet this little miracle. As for me I have been doing a lot. I have 3 piano students, and 2 little boys I babysit during the week. I feel super ready to have 3 kids in the home! LOL! My calling as primary chorister has been so fun and fulfilling in every way. I love the spirit in our home and hope it continues to grow as the holidays approach. That's all for now. I have pics from our Merkley family getaway to Capitol Reef to post, but it may be a little while. Soon I hope, but I have to be realistic. It's hard to find spare time now. We are so blessed :) Talk soon! Katie

Friday, September 21, 2012

Far and Few for now

Slight changes in the Hartle household are going to happen. We are getting rid of our internet. *insert slight tear* Paying $50.00 a month for a very unreliable connection is just not worth it. I love blogging and paying bills and looking on Facebook, but it's just ... crap. So while I won't have easy access to my blog, I will do my best to keep it updated. I think of it as my online journal and I love re-reading about my boys and seeing them grow. I love reading other people's blogs, so I imagine my family enjoys reading it too. *insert laugh* Anyway. Just wanted to let cha know, I'm still here. Katie

Friday, August 31, 2012

I Heart Salads?

Kayson has become quite the picky eater lately. His favorite foods are no longer favorites, and I have a hard time finding things, healthy things, for him to eat. One day I tried a ham, cheese, and ranch salad. Guess it was a winner! LOL!

Jace's 1st Day!

This year Jace started pre-school. I know that some parents (and some kids) dread the day when they realize they're ready for that big first day, but both Jace and I were SO ready! He is just so independent, he's a quick learner, and just wants to learn as much as he can, as fast as he can. There were no tears on his first day, and he came back telling me he loved his teachers and the toy fire trucks. He gets upset because he can't ride the school bus, but is content to just be there among other kids his age and experience the "school setting". I love the time he's gone because it gives Kayson and I some much needed 1 on 1 time. Congratulations on your next big step Jace! Here are some first day pictures!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What To Expect...

... when you're expecting! Baby BOY Hartle #3 due January 21st, 2013!

Hogle Zoo

This summer with Isaac has been very, VERY, lacking in the fun department. With his summer school work, and Ryan extra busy with work, it was hard to find things to do in between. So to end the summer on a good note, we packed the boys up and went to SLC! We left Thursday afternoon and arrived at our hotel in time to do lots of swimming! Which of course all the boys loved. Ryan and I decided Jace and Kayson needed life-jackets now they were too big for baby floating devices, and I'm so glad we got them some. Jace kept doing cannon balls and Kayson would eventually lay on his back for a few seconds. It made swimming a lot less stressful. We woke up Friday morning and got ready to head to our main event: Hogle Zoo! A new adventure for us since we had never taken the boys before. We picked a good day to go too! It was cloudy for the majority of our time there, and just after lunch it began to rain! It really made all the walking worth it and we finished off the rest of the zoo treck cool and happy. Jace and Kayson LOVED all the animals. Ryan and I each bought the boys a shirt and toy as a souviner. Jace picked a white tiger, which he says is not a tiger but a "kitty". Kayson grabbed a stuffed bald eagle and would NOT let go. Isaac picked a drum which was awesome until he wanted to practice playing it all the time. But hey, it was nice to see they all enjoyed it. Ryan and I did too. I was worried about the boys running off, but they listened so well! I'm so proud of you boys! Thank you for a memorable time!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Earlier this year I auditioned for the Outlaw Trail Theatre's production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I made it into the cast as part of the ensemble!!! What an incredilbe experience!!! I loved every minute despite all the sweat, blood, and tears shed throughout the 2 months of work it took to put it on. To be around all those amazing people, and to be able to share in something like that again brought so much joy to my life, as well as to my family's life. Here are a few pictures to enjoy!

Purple People Eater

Kayson is in a stage where he loves to get into things. Who am I kidding??? He's ALWAYS been in that stage. He got into the powdered grape juice mix this time. Crazy kid....

Jace Turned 4!

On July 15th, 2008 Jace was born. His arrival changed my entire life. And this year, he turned 4! Happy Birthday to my dare devil of a son! We all love you! (p.s. sorry for lack of pictures. I video recorded all of us singing happy birthday to him and after that forgot to take more pictures. Maybe next year!)

Monday, July 30, 2012


Last month while I was watching my sister-in-law's step-son, he said something that was both hilarious and thought provoking. Here's how the conversation went: Him: What are you planning? Me: I'm planning a day-date for my husband and I. Him: You still date your husband?!?!? Me: Uh... Yeah. Why? Him: I've had 2 different step-mom's and my dad has never dated them after they got married. Wow. Marriage to me is more than "I caught the fish! Now stuff it and put it on the wall to collect dust." Marriage reminds me of parenthood. More downs than up's it seems. But OH! how the up's are worth working for!!! They can change your life, and in hindsight most of the down's ARE up's in disguise. I was watching a preview for a movie, can't remember the name, but one line was: "In India we believe that in the end it all works out. If it hasn't worked out, then it's not the end." I have wonderful examples in my life showing me how marriage is supposed to be. My Mom and Dad STILL "chase each other around the table". I still watch my siblings as their kids grow, or have hardships of their own, and take mental notes on their successes or failures. Marriage has been a wonderful experience for me and Ryan. I love him more and respect him more than I ever thought possible to feel towards another human being. It's deep, fulfilling, and everlasting. Here's to you Ryan. And many more dates ahead! Our day-date was spent eating lunch at Flaming Gorge Resort, then walking around the water taking pictures. Thanks again Mom for watching the boys while we did this! It really meant a lot to us.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Just Beautiful

While Kayson was throwing rocks in the water at Whiterocks, I stopped for a moment and just watched him. He is getting so big. I pondered about my beautiful boys, my amazing husband, and the things that I'm so grateful for. And to be outdoors at that same moment it hit me, was just awe inspiring. I'm so thankful for a loving husband, wonderful boys, friends, and my amazing family for all that they are! I took a couple of pictures outside and figured you could share with me our "Just Beautiful" life.

"First Time" Moment!

So knowing my boys are very physical and seem to have an endless amount of energy, I started in March thinking of things that would keep them entertained during the summer months. I thought of getting a 3 month pass to the rec center, but wasn't sure if I would use it enough to get my moneys worth. Maybe another year. I thought of doing nothing. Yeah right. I thought of a pool. Too scary. I thought of a swing set. But none were in our price range that I thought would outlast my boys. Then Ryan and I decided on a trampoline. Turns out it was the best idea! The tramp has a net, so I don't have to worry about them falling off. Plus we can spend hours on it with... ...the sprinkler underneath!!! Best summer idea ever!!!


This time it really was NOT my fault I couldn't blog. My computer wouldn't even let me connect to the internet, and then Kayson turned OFF my computer when I had just started uploading photos. SO! Now that it's fixed here are pictures from Kayson's birthday! (p.s. He ate 2 whole pieces of cake this year! Better than his 0 pieces from his first birthday cake)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kayson Turns 2!!

Everytime I start a birthday post the first words I write are how I can't believe how fast my boys are growing. So I'm not going to do that this time. I'm just going to say how honored I feel to watch them grow another year older! We celebrated Kayson's birthday up Whiterocks Canyon this year since my family came to camp! It. Was. COLD! But SO worth it! It was amazing to be up in the mountains and enjoy their company. I forget how funny my nephews can be (yes Bradley and Taron I'm talking to you) and maybe dorky is a better word. ;) I have to say Kayson has a way to make my heart melt these days. His smile and personality just make my heart swell with joy that he is a part of our family. He is so independent and strong-headed on one side, and on the other he is a total "mama's boy". He has started fitting words he knows into the correct places when he talks. Isaac and Jace asked for gum yesterday and Kayson started saying "peees, peees,..." and when I finally gave him one he said, "ain-choo". And when I say thank you he'll pop in with, "el-dom". Seriously so cute! Kayson, you have been a joy and a wonderful addition to our family! You're soft heart and strong mind are such a marvelous part of you, and I know you will do great things in the many years to come! We all love you Mr. K!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (p.s. Sorry for the lack of pics. My computer is being dumb right now. So I'll try posting them again soon!)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pearly Whites

My boys love to brush their teeth. It's too soon to say they'll love it for life and that I'll never have to worry about seeing the dentist for more than the regular check-ups, but for now they LOVE it!
And I love that they love it.