Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fire Alarms and Me

Every house has them. Fire alarms. My house has two in the downstairs living room, and one in each bedroom upstairs. Pretty amazing creation. These alarms are meant to alert the homeowner of fire, smoke, or other dangers. Some go to the extent of Carbon Monoxide poisioning and determining the heat within walls to make sure it never reaches a certain temperature. Thankfully I have never had any of these experiences, and I feel blessed to have these amazing alarms all over my house.

I think the creators of these contraptions are testing a new line of alarms. It's undercover, so they can get "real" reactions from "real" people. I so happen to be one of those "lucky" people chosen. I'll be cooking homemade pizza, eggs, french toast, and if the alarm senses the slightest amount of smoke, it goes off! The idea behind this is that you will become a good cook when the alarm never goes off and you have amazing not burnt, great tasting food. Well I must say I know the beginnings of burning food now, but I have a problem with sensing it before the alarm goes off. Instead of worrying about non-burnt food, I have a near heart attack when the alarm goes off. I then open the drawer with my flexible cutting boards and rush over to the alarm. I then proceed to fan the alarm until it stops beeping loudly and resumes it's "normal" state. In order to keep it from going off again, I open doors and windows to air out the house. I even turn on the oven fan to help circulate the apparently smoked filled air. By the time this is all done, I have burnt food and I have to start over.

Well tonight was grilled cheese and soup night. AKA the night I don't want to cook a large meal. I already had a plan of how to cook these yummy sandwiches and not have the alarm go off. I started the first sandwich and amazingly I DID it! No alarm and no burnt food! My confidence about cooking had grown. Finally. So I made the second sandwich. Success again! By now I felt professional. No smoke alarms and no burnt food! On to the third sandwich. "In my defense" (from the words of Taci) Ryan distracted me for a minute with talking. This action not only set off my 1st alarm, but apparently was enough smoke to set off my 2nd alarm tied to ADT. Now, not only could I not smell any smoke, but I couldn't SEE any smoke. I have NO clue why it set off this time and not before. I rush over to grab my cutting board and run to the alarms and fan them until they stop. But now I had the problem of turning off the alarm on my ADT system. I rush over to the key pad and touch the appropriate numbers to turn it off. Or so I thought. It told me the alarm was disarmed, but the light was still on. I figured it needed to have a few minutes to register so I did all the numbers again and it again told me disarmed. Well Ryan and I decided to sit down and eat our not burnt dinner and wait to see if the light would go off or if ADT would call and see if things were ok.

We had just finished our meal when a knock came at the door. Immediately my heart jumped to my throat! I was shaking a little when I went to answer the door. I opened it and not to my surprise I saw a cop standing there. CRAP! But to make it better it was a friend of mine who I hadn't seen for a while. He started laughing when I told him what had happened and continued to walkie talkie his other policeman that everything was ok. I thought that would be it, and he was getting ready to leave when his Police Chief walked to the door! DOUBLE CRAP! Thankfully he was laughing as well when we explained what happened and we continued to joke about making them some! By now I was shaking a little more and I KNOW my face was bright red. Again I thought that would be the end of it, but in the distance I hear SIRENS! OH MY HANNAH!!!!! I looked to my policeman friend and his chief and my now pale white face asking if that was for me. Laughing they shook their heads yes!!! They told me goodbye and I happily made the assumption that they would "take care of telling the fire department." I did see out the front window, with the corner of my eye, the fire truck come up, talk to the police and proceed to turn around. Ryan by now is rolling on the floor laughing and at the same time calling ADT to see how we shut off the alarm.
Well after 15 minutes of talking on the phone WE, not ADT, figured out how to turn it off and get things back to normal. I hope I NEVER have to go through that again, and for those wives who are looking for a way out of cooking, Ryan has now declared himself the "cook" and I am no longer permitted to touch the stove! NO PROBLEM THERE!

Ok Taci here you go!

1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
Never went. Neither did Ryan though, so I have a special date in mind to do in the future.

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?

3. Who was your FIRST boss?
My first "real" boss was my now sister-in-law Jamee

4. What was your FIRST job?
Again, "real" was an after school program called "Connections" and I was a helper or substitute

5. What was your FIRST car?
The first one I purchased was with Ryan and it was brand new Honda Accord. I miss that car :(

6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
No texting yet this morning (don't be shocked family) but Ryan was the first one to IM me :)

7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
Jace. Wondering when he was going to wake up. Then Ryan. Wondering when I get to see him.

8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Mrs. Rasmussen

9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
Flew from SLC to LAX. Then connected to my real flight from LAX to Sydney. 14 hours in business class! YEAH!

10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
Keeli M. and Nope. I moved and lost connection

11. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
??? I do remember sleeping over at the Bennetts a few times though

12. Who was the first person you talked to today?
Jace, who is being onry today

13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
Who knows. I was always the server girl who got the "cute" aprons :) JK they really were cute! In line it was Kari's

14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Put Jace back to bed when he got too onry

15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Dixie Chicks. Priceless story about Taci another time!

16. FIRST tattoo?
??? I got a lot of fake ones growing up. No real ones. Don't like needles, and I don't think they're pretty

17. FIRST piercing?
My ears. Then had to re-do it when they closed

18. FIRST foreign country you went to?

19. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
That's a hard one. Lion King I think

20. When was your FIRST detention?
At home?? Probably everyday! Ha ha ha Just kidding Mom! None in school thankfully

21. When was your FIRST kiss?
In Junior High with Troy

22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Michelle! She was AWESOME!

23. If you had one wish, what would it be?
World Peace! I hate the news...

24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
I DO have the chance, if I had more time....I would want to actually LEARN how to ride a horse, and not just ride, control them!

25. Did you marry the FIRST person to ask for your hand in marriage?
Sure did! And it was the best decision I ever made!!!

26. What was the FIRST sport that you were involved in?
Kickball! At school in P.E. I was always picked last though...hum....

27. What were the FIRST lessons you ever took?
VOICE! Then Piano and Tap

28. What is the FIRST thing you do when you get home?
Ummm....I am home. So what's the first thing I think about doing at home would be when can I get out! Ha ha ha nah, just when can I take Jace outside. He LOVES it out there!

29. Who do you think will be the FIRST person to post this in return?
Melanie now since Taci and I both said so!

Ha ha that was fun! Now to get back to work. See you all soon!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

10 Things I'm Thankful For

Everyone on Facebook is doing a Thankful List for the month of November. Everyday they will write one thing that they are thankful for. Well it's the 10th of the month, so I thought I would do a post with my first 10! Here it goes:

1: I'm thankful I'm a daughter of God! I know who I am, where I'm going, and how to get there!

2: I'm thankful for a loving Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ who guide me to be the best I can be. They love and lift me even when I make mistakes over and over!

3: I'm thankful for my husband...I can't believe how lucky I am to have him in my life. He was really the man of my dreams, and has helped me become the strong woman I am today! ( I love you babe! )

4: I'm thankful for my son Isaac! He has such a sweet, innocent spirit that has taught me how to be a better mother. He means so much to me, and I'm so thankful I get to be a part of his life!

5: I'm thankful for my son Jace. It has been an amazing journey! I am so blessed to have such an amazing, funny, and sometimes trying son!

6: I'm thankful to have a LARGE family! Both mine and Ryans! I always have someone to look up to, and someone to lean on when I need it most.

7: I'm thankful for the lessons my parents taught me growing up. Always remember who I am and who I represent, Help others, and pray!

8: I'm thankful for my PARENTS!! Mom and Dad!! No words will ever be able to express how much I love you, except those: I LOVE YOU!

9: I'm thankful for my Herbalife business! It has given me self confidence, spiritual coaching, and has turned me into a national motivational speaker and coach! NEVER thought that would happen to me!

10: I'm thankful for this time of season! So much faith and hope for better lives for others as well as ourselves! Do something good for someone everyday!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Background Buddies

I just wanted to do a post about having the same backgound as other wonderful bloggers I know.

I have to say that it's an honor to have the same taste as you! To be picking the same background as you really lets me think I have a creative side. Not only that, but the odds of us getting the same background are...what... 1 out of 5??? How COOL is that!!!

I'm just of course joking around, but incase others do pick this backgound, like I chose the same one as another awesome person a while ago,(like...Erin! You know which one I'm talking about) I won't be offended or let you know that you picked the same one as me. I will take it that we just have the same taste and want our blogs to be the most stylin!

p.s. I know that certain people (Erin) was never upset or anything, I'm just trying to make her laugh. :) I miss joking around with all you Easterners!

Talk to you soon! Love ya!