Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kayson is 4 months old!!!!

It seems only a few weeks ago that I was posting on this blog that Kayson was born. Now I'm posting that he is 4 months old and starting....

You guessed it; Solids. He only took a few bites, and it's going to take some patience and teaching, but he did swallow some. Then he decided that he liked his fingers more!

I can't believe time is FLYING by! I just realized today that I need to get his 4 month shots scheduled. Already. I'm so happy that he is at this cute stage, but I miss the brand-new infant I held not so long ago. Now he is attempting to stand, trys to giggle, talks NON STOP, and captures my attention with his heart-melting smiles every chance he can. I know the only thing to do now is enjoy every moment because it won't be here long. With Kayson it's easy to do. Jace is another story. :)

More to come soon :)

Hey I have been taking a lot of pictures the last few weeks, and just when I was going to post about all of it, my battery died and the one thing I want to post about is on my in-laws camera that I'm waiting for. I'll post some stuff soon. Hang in there :) (that is if you really like to read this blog. If not I wouldn't worry your heart out)


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

These last few weeks have been crazy! To update a little: Jace did well with the antibiotics and no more ear infection! Kayson on the other hand isn't doing as well as his brother. Sad to say he is on his 4th dose of antibiotics in 2 weeks. Amoxicillin for 10 days, 2 doses of shots, and now another oral antibiotic. Today was his first day on it and he seems to be doing better, so here's hoping we nip it in the butt this time!

Here's a picture of him with the bandaids from the 2nd dose of shots:

With Ryan working for Schlumberger and me at home with Herbalife, believe it or not, it's a calm crazy. When Ryan is home we try to spend a lot of time with family. Since it was Christian's 5th birthday this week, we went to celebrate it on Sunday at Aunt Jamee's house. Then over to G & G Hartles house where Isaac (who got to spend the weekend with us too) and Jace met the horses up close and personal with Gpa Jay. Too cute!

I think Jace is pinching the horses leg in this one. Notice NO shoes:

Papa showing the boys the horses foot:

Then today while we were waiting for bath time to roll around, I took the boys outside. It was a little windy, so I thought it would be great for Jace to have his first kite flying experience. He LOVED it! Since he wouldn't hold still and fly the kite, he had to sit down. He was thrilled just holding the string, and when it was my turn I would let him throw the kite up in the air. He did great for a first timer!

Hope you all had a great Labor Day!!! Talk more soon :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Declaration

Losing weight this last year has been both easy and hard. First easy because I found my niche and it works for me. I lost 40 pounds in 5 months and have kept it off since with the exception of my pregnancy. That was the hard part. Being pregnant and gaining weight with the baby made me almost cry! "I worked so hard to get it off" I would say to Ryan. I worried that it would take just as long to get the baby weight off again.

Well Kayson is 3 months old and I have had my pregnancy weight off for a month! I'm happy to have all my "skinny" clothes in my drawers again!

Now that the pregnancy weight is off it's time for me to get serious about the last few pounds. A few really isn't the word I would pick for 30 pounds, but because I want to set myself up for success I treat it as if the task ahead of me is already accomplised. No problem! And the best thing is I'm really excited! I haven't been "skinny" in my mind for a while and I'm excited to get my body into shape, have lean muscle, lots of energy, and focus to do the things I want.

I already have my eating lifestyle changed which gives me that edge to keep the weight off and give me energy and ALL my nutrients and vitamins, but now I've added exercise! Cassie sent me Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'm on day 3. WOW! Everytime I start this I have to remind myself of my goals and declaration I made to my family to be 30 pounds less by Christmas time. At the end I'm sweating and ready to take a hot shower, but I LOVE the feeling I get when I'm done. I'm on my way to being a better, healthier me!

So that's my declaration: 30 pounds less by Christmas time! Talk to you soon!

Jace likes exercising too: