Thursday, April 30, 2009

Settling In

Hey Everyone!

Well things are going great! We have been in the house 9 days now, and I have been working non stop to get it looking like a home! It feels SO weird to cook in my own kitchen and have my things up on the walls, but I can't wait to show you what it looks like! I left my camera at moms so you'll have to wait for pictures. Sorry!

Ryan is doing GREAT!! We love having his work 3.8 miles away! I get to see him a lot more! We finally have the internet, so he can work on his Herbalife business from home too. He is really taking off with that and already has 4 distributors working for him!! Congrats babe!! Ryan also really likes having his permanent school bus route here in Vernal. I do too! I get to hear all the stuff that happens on the bus when he gets home! Yesterday a freshman got a ticket for spitting out the window at cars!! The kid kept telling Ryan it was stupid he was getting a ticket, but Ryan told him it was pretty stupid that a FRESHMAN was spitting out the window!! I just laughed!

Jace is taking the move a little hard, but other than that he's doing great as well. He wakes up during the night not knowing where he is, but last night he only woke up once, and I think we're finally on the mend. He loves climbing on the stairs!!! That was the first thing he did when we moved here. Little stinker! He misses Grandma and Grandpa Merkley and not seeing them everyday, so when we go walking we visit Grandma at the school. He's always happy to see his Grandmas!!

Well I will try to post pictures next time. Feel free to come visit!! Oh and if you have my cell number, that is going to be our home phone number. We do have a home phone, but Ryan would like to use it mostly for his business line. I hope all is going well on your end! Have a great weekend, and I'll talk to you all soon!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Everyone say HI house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE OWN A HOME!!! The end of the tunnel FINALLY appeared! We closed today on our house and it is offically ours! OH the joys!! Here are a few pictures for you to look at and I'll post more when we are moved in! Also I wanted to thank Mom and Dad for all that they have done for us. Putting up with late nights, babysitting, scanty meals that I cooked (tacos are not a favorite anymore), and trying to teach Dad how to use the DVR. (I just learned to live without my shows). But I will miss the talks, walking at sunset, being able to learn how to be a mother, and mostly the way Mom would smile with me as we watched Jace grow. It's been six months that we lived with you and I couldn't have asked for better "roommates". I am going to miss seeing you everyday. I know Jace will too. I LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD!!!!

These pictures are just of the downstairs.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Happy Late Easter, and Fun Cousins

Hey Everyone! Well this is going to be three posts in one. First and foremost I want to tell my husband thank you for an amazing three years of marriage! We had our anniversary yesterday and it was a blast even though we didn't go anywhere. Ryan bought me flowers, and I made him dinner. That was it, and it was perfect! It was nice to stay at home and relax and enjoy his company. I LOVE YOU RYAN!!

Easter came late this year. We were waiting for Isaac....I mean we wrote a letter asking the Easter Bunny to wait for Isaac. It was actually really fun! The boys all got a lot of fun stuff! Books to take to church, swimsuits, flip-flops, a church cd, pajamas, and a game. No egg hunt, but I think it was more fun to spend time playing games as a family. I'm so grateful to have such wonderful sons!

While Erin was out here, Eleasha and Wyatt came to visit. WOW Jace is a GIANT when you set him next to them! But it was fun to see Eleasha and Wyatt. He is such a cute baby!!! I also played with Alesa's head bands. Doesn't Jace look cute as a girl??? :)

Last but not least I'm sure you all have been waiting on any news about the house. Well I have good news and bad news. Good news is the house is DONE!!! Bad news is it has to wait on us now. We're still waiting on financing and hope to close soon. They say (say is the keyword) Friday, but we'll see. I'll keep you informed. Talk to you soon! (Sorry about the messy post. I can't figure out the pictures)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jealous Yet??

Hey Everyone!
Well this video is of my new neice Alesa June Wheeler (Erin and Andrew's little one) All my sisters, except Cami of course, have gotten to spoil her and hold her and all I've heard is how cute she is. I think they did that to make me jealous. So I decided while Erin was at Mom's I was going to get a cute video and make them jealous and miss her like I did. Sorry girls I couldn't resist it. She's too cute!

Friday, April 3, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I won't do something sentimental like Erin and Melanie did, but I will do my favorite memory.

When I was in college I had no money. I never had money, but one time I had like a dollar in my account. Well I called home and was crying because I was frustrated about it along with finals at school. Well the next day I looked online at my account and there was a deposit of $10.00.
My dad took his coin jar, usually saved for Vegas, into the bank and cashed in the money and put it in my account. I called and talked to him and he said that he never wanted me to have to ask for money or help from him and that he would always be there for me. And he has. Even though the dollar amount wasn't a whole lot, the lesson of learning just how much my Dad loves me was priceless.

Thanks for everything you do for me Dad!! I LOVE YOU!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Boy Oh Boy!

Jace had a check up today as well as his shots. He's actually doing really great! He is 20 pounds and 27 inches long. We won't have his next check up until he's one!! My boy is growing up too fast!! I guess it's ok that he's growing up because it's SOOO fun to play with him! We did laundry yesterday and had fun with the dryer. Then during bath time he scratched his bum!! (SUCH a Ryan thing to do) HA HA just kidding! Jace pulls himself up to EVERYTHING!! Then he will stand with just one hand on the chair or entertainment center and "dance". He's SO cute and I'm SO lucky to have him!! Here are some more pictures so enjoy because the next couple of weeks will be very busy for us and I probably won't post until after those weeks are over. (I'll hopefully be in our new home next time I post!!!!) See ya then!!!!