Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baby Update

Well I had another check-up today. Not as eventful as the last one thank goodness! Everything is going great and one funny part is my belly is now only measuring 3 weeks ahead. HAHAHAHA! I guess it goes to show that measuring really isn't that BIG a deal.

We made a few decisions with the doctor today. We are planning on being induced on May 28th. Not something I wanted to do, but out of necessity has to be Plan A. Ryan is leaving on June 3rd for a business trip that won't be done until the 6th, AND my doctor is leaving for a family trip to Europe on June 2nd. I didn't ask when he would be back. SO, since Labor & Delivery doesn't schedule inductions on weekends OR holidays, which just HAPPENS to be both the cases for the last week in May, our only option is Friday the 28th. (Yes Mom I can see your eyes rolling right now)

Of course some things have to be in place for this to happen. 1: Baby's lungs MUST be developed when they do the Amnio test on the 27th. 2: I MUST be dialated to a 2 or a 3. If these are not in place, then it will be the waiting game. Plan B.

On a side note, I just have to tell you guys how AMAZING my doctor is. He is up-front and SO honest with us. I trust his judgement and know that my baby and me are his #1 priority.

I'm really excited to have this pregnancy almost over, and Ryan and I will get to meet our son. I've already started getting things organized for his arrival. I've pulled out Jace's newborn clothes, and I can't wait to use the newborn diapers!

I will keep you updated, but for now my next appt isn't until May 12th. We'll talk soon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How Many Weeks?!?!?!?!

Today has been quite the fun-filled day for our family. What made it "fun-filled" you might ask? Well ask this guy:

I had a routine check-up today. Like usual we went and the nurses took my blood pressure, asked how I was feeling, and took the baby's heartbeat. That was quite a sight to see on a side note! Kayden literally KICKED the doppler and gave the nurse a hard time before settling down enough for her to get it! That alone makes me wonder what I'm in for! HAHAHA! The nurse also measured my belly. Twice. ???. She told me that I was measuring at 34 weeks. I'm only 31 weeks. Uhhhhh..... She then said that she'll have the doctor check it again when he comes in. SO we sat there. My mind was racing with thoughts of "does this mean the baby is big???" or "does that mean I'll come early???" Thankfully he walked in before I could think anymore. Asked the usual questions and got right to checking the nurses measurement of my belly. Here's how the converstation went:

Dr: Ok let's see here....WELL she was wrong. You're not measuring 34 weeks.

Me: Oh good!

Dr: You're actually measuring 35 weeks.

Me: ----- WHAT!?!?!?!?!

Ryan: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (Aparently it was funny to him)

Me: (when I finally found my words again) So what does that mean?

The dr then went on to order an ultrasound. We talked about a few things and I felt better knowing a little of what might be ahead. Basically it all depended on what the ultrasound said. But we talked about if Kayden gets too big our option is to check his lung development at 36 weeks with an Amnio(something) test (where they stick a needle in my belly and grab a sample of fluid) and if his lungs are good then most likely I'll be induced at or around 37 weeks to deliver vaginaly when I'm "Full Term". Other options, like c-section, were only if we had to pass that and couldn't deliver "natural" because he was too big. SO, we scheduled the ultrasound for an hour later and went to get Jace and lunch.

The ultrasound tech was awesome! She's actually the same one we had with Jace and throughout this pregnancy, so it was fun to see her again. To make a longer story short, Kayden is measuring only 1 week ahead with a u/s due date of June 4th. (YESSSSS!!!!!) He weighs (give or take a pound) 4 lbs and 8 oz. I don't know how the measuring thing works, but I'm glad that Kayden isn't in the TOO BIG catagory! The tech said 2 weeks difference was considered normal, and I'm only measuring 1 week different. Me: YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!

So everything is going GREAT and we're on track for a healthy baby and normal delivery! The tech said Kayden had hair on the back of his neck (COOL) and I could tell he is going to have HUGE cheeks like Jace did when he was born! LOL! I'm really excited for the next 6 weeks to go by! One cool side is we got more pictures of Kayden! Even some 4D ones!! So enjoy!! (p.s. the middle one was to verify it was for sure a boy. YUP it's a boy!)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Little Bit of Down Under!!!

Presenting the worlds GREATEST cookie EVER!!!

This was one of those AMAZING moments of my life where my favorite-never-thought-I-would-see-it-again-in-the-USA things really DOES meet the USA!!! My sister Erin first introduced this cookie to our family when she came back from Australia after being a nanny for the summer. It has been a favorite of mine, and brings back thoughts of Australia, of course I went as a nanny too, when I eat it. Ryan remembers them too from his mission! We had a fun time eating a few of them last night while talking about our experiences in The Land Down Under. It's a favorite past time!

How did this wonderful treat find it's way into my shopping cart??? Thanks goes to the lady in front of us at the Wal-Mart check-out stand! 20 items or less! She plopped those on the counter and my eyes had to adjust and blink 100 times before I realized what I was looking at. And it WAS really what I was looking at!!! I told Ryan, "That lady has Tim Tams" and he proceeded to grab her attention long enough to have her tell us where she got them.

They taste just like I remember them!!! (And yes Erin you can still suck the milk through them like a straw and then plop the cookie in your mouth and let it MELT!!!) Go get YOUR OWN!!!