Monday, May 31, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kayson is HERE!

Hi everyone! Our little Kayson is finally here! We just got home today so give me a few hours to get settled and I'll post pictures and tell you how everything has gone so far. But for now here are his stats:

Kayson John Hartle arrived May 27th, 2010 @ 10:05 pm
He weighed in at 8 pounds 1 oz and he is 20 inches long (Good thing I was induced 3 weeks early!)
He has LOTS of brown hair and is a champion eater already! He actually has gained 3 oz since his birth.
Ryan was able to catch him when he was born and LOVED that experience! I'm doing great as well and loving having my baby here! Jace loves his baby brother and will pat him on his bum when he holds him. I don't think he quite understands yet that this kid is staying with us since both Grandma's have been keeping him busy with cousins and friends (Thanks again Steph!) while we've been at the hospital. Isaac is coming in little over a week so we'll have more to tell when he gets here.

Well I'm going to get some stuff done before Jace comes home. Ryan keeps repeating how quiet the house is because he's not here. Enjoy it while you can hun!

Monday, May 24, 2010

3 Days Left and Update

Hey everyone! Well I only have 3 days left until our baby boy gets here! As long as his lungs are developed we are good to go! And we find that out on Wednesday. Things have been really good here. Despite Jace and I getting a cold, it's been one awesome day after the other.

As many of you already know Ryan is now working full-time from home with our Herbalife business. It has been so wonderful to have him home! He has lost 15 more pounds just from leaving his stressful job! Way to go babe! He will be going to Las Vegas on the 3rd for another awesome Leadership Development Weekend and even though I'm jealous I can't go with him, I'm really excited for him! He will be driving down with our coaches Helen and Dave!

Isaac is doing great! He gets out of school on June 4th! I don't have the dates yet for when he will be here for summer, but he can't wait! We talked to him yesterday and he kept asking if he could take Tator for a walk outside! HAHAHAHA! Such a big helper!

Jace is quite the character! He LOVES the movie "Dennis The Menace". Should I be worried? HAHAHA! He will not sit down for any other movie! And it's the only movie he points to and says "Dennis"! He is learing new words everyday and will kiss my belly when asked where the baby is. He has no clue what he is in for, but I know that with the Lords help he will adjust well to being a big brother.

As for me, I'm ready to have my baby in my arms! It's snowing right now and I hope that it's just getting out of the way for a beautiful sunny day on Thursday when I go into labor.

Guys this has been such a wonderful month! I can see Heavenly Fathers hand working in our lives and most especially in our business. We have met some incredible people to help lose weight and build an at home business. I'm so grateful for his love and mercy that have helped us become stronger members of the church as well as a stronger couple. Cami and James were married on Saturday and it was such a wonderful experience to be in the temple with them. To feel the spirit and to see my little sister get married was exactly the icing on the cake this month. LOL! Icing...!

Well I had better get my hospital bag packed and Jace down for a nap. Next time I post it will be after we've had our baby! We'll talk to you all later!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Thoughts and Prayers for the Millett Family

I just found out my friends brother passed away. Dustin Millett. From what I could find out on other blogs, he was driving home from work early in the morning and fell asleep.

When I told Ryan, he was just as shocked as I was. Ryan went to school with Dustin. I asked him what he was like in school and Ryan remembers him as the one goofy kid that was always cracking jokes.

To the Millett family, our hearts are sore for your loss. We are sorry we didn't know sooner about his funeral, because we would have been there to support you. We know that the Lord is with you and the rest of the family right now in this, and hope that you will feel his comforting arms around you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you ALL. At times like these, we can be thankful for the knowledge our Heavenly Father gave us that we WILL see each other again one day. We can be together forever. That is the promise he made to all his children.

Once again, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Logan and Cassie had their baby girl early EARLY this morning! She was born at 4:27 a.m. weighing 6 lbs 10 oz and is 18 1/2 inches long. She was needing a little oxygen to help her breathe, but she is doing great! Still no word on the name, but I did get this picture! CONGRATS YOU GUYS!!! I can't wait to meet her!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk, TALK!!!

"What's sat?", "No, No", "MOM!!!", "Ta-er", "*gasp* Uh-Oh", "Dad", "Aye, aye, aye, ayecccc"

These are probably the most used words at our house. In case you can't speak Jace, the first one is what's that, middle is Tator, and the last one is how he says ice. I don't know why or where he learned that one, but that's how it comes out. Jace is quite the talker! It's been a lot of fun to listen to him jibber jabber and now his jabber is turning into constant questions that need answered. "What's sat" is the one I hear over, and over, and over. At least it's not "Why?"

You know you're a mom when your son says your name at varying volumes to get your attention for one second of jabber, then off to play. Only to have this repeat in one minute. Now I know how my mother felt. I'm really enjoying this stage of Jace's development. He learns a new word everyday and it amazes me how much he picks up on his own, and how quickly. One lazy Sunday I actually grabbed a piece of paper to write down all the words he knows whether it was spoken, pointed to, or in sign language. I lost count at 35 spoken, 8 in sign language, and 11 things he can point to. I don't worry about the words he knows in sign language and won't speak yet. I don't sign them to him anymore and it helps in church when he can sign "more" or "drink" and keep quiet.

Here are my favorite two word sentences: "You eenk" which he got from me asking HIM all the time "You Stink Jace?". And his newest one "Min" which is "Come in" to anything knocking on a door. If you call and Jace decides to answer, be prepared for ENDLESS "What's sat" and more jabber. Ryan let him call me after he got up from his nap and I was in town doing shopping. The ENTIRE ride home was me listening to him talk, ask "what's sat" and talk some more. The fun part is if you tell him to say bye, he'll say "bye" followed by "see ya" and then hit the END button on the phone to hang up. Smart boy!

This really is a fun stage and even though it can be annoying to have him in the background of every call, I know I will miss it later. SO I'm enjoying every minute of it while I can. He has already grown up too fast.