These are probably the most used words at our house. In case you can't speak Jace, the first one is what's that, middle is Tator, and the last one is how he says ice. I don't know why or where he learned that one, but that's how it comes out. Jace is quite the talker! It's been a lot of fun to listen to him jibber jabber and now his jabber is turning into constant questions that need answered. "What's sat" is the one I hear over, and over, and over. At least it's not "Why?"
You know you're a mom when your son says your name at varying volumes to get your attention for one second of jabber, then off to play. Only to have this repeat in one minute. Now I know how my mother felt. I'm really enjoying this stage of Jace's development. He learns a new word everyday and it amazes me how much he picks up on his own, and how quickly. One lazy Sunday I actually grabbed a piece of paper to write down all the words he knows whether it was spoken, pointed to, or in sign language. I lost count at 35 spoken, 8 in sign language, and 11 things he can point to. I don't worry about the words he knows in sign language and won't speak yet. I don't sign them to him anymore and it helps in church when he can sign "more" or "drink" and keep quiet.
Here are my favorite two word sentences: "You eenk" which he got from me asking HIM all the time "You Stink Jace?". And his newest one "Min" which is "Come in" to anything knocking on a door. If you call and Jace decides to answer, be prepared for ENDLESS "What's sat" and more jabber. Ryan let him call me after he got up from his nap and I was in town doing shopping. The ENTIRE ride home was me listening to him talk, ask "what's sat" and talk some more. The fun part is if you tell him to say bye, he'll say "bye" followed by "see ya" and then hit the END button on the phone to hang up. Smart boy!
This really is a fun stage and even though it can be annoying to have him in the background of every call, I know I will miss it later. SO I'm enjoying every minute of it while I can. He has already grown up too fast.
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