Friday, August 31, 2012

I Heart Salads?

Kayson has become quite the picky eater lately. His favorite foods are no longer favorites, and I have a hard time finding things, healthy things, for him to eat. One day I tried a ham, cheese, and ranch salad. Guess it was a winner! LOL!

Jace's 1st Day!

This year Jace started pre-school. I know that some parents (and some kids) dread the day when they realize they're ready for that big first day, but both Jace and I were SO ready! He is just so independent, he's a quick learner, and just wants to learn as much as he can, as fast as he can. There were no tears on his first day, and he came back telling me he loved his teachers and the toy fire trucks. He gets upset because he can't ride the school bus, but is content to just be there among other kids his age and experience the "school setting". I love the time he's gone because it gives Kayson and I some much needed 1 on 1 time. Congratulations on your next big step Jace! Here are some first day pictures!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What To Expect...

... when you're expecting! Baby BOY Hartle #3 due January 21st, 2013!

Hogle Zoo

This summer with Isaac has been very, VERY, lacking in the fun department. With his summer school work, and Ryan extra busy with work, it was hard to find things to do in between. So to end the summer on a good note, we packed the boys up and went to SLC! We left Thursday afternoon and arrived at our hotel in time to do lots of swimming! Which of course all the boys loved. Ryan and I decided Jace and Kayson needed life-jackets now they were too big for baby floating devices, and I'm so glad we got them some. Jace kept doing cannon balls and Kayson would eventually lay on his back for a few seconds. It made swimming a lot less stressful. We woke up Friday morning and got ready to head to our main event: Hogle Zoo! A new adventure for us since we had never taken the boys before. We picked a good day to go too! It was cloudy for the majority of our time there, and just after lunch it began to rain! It really made all the walking worth it and we finished off the rest of the zoo treck cool and happy. Jace and Kayson LOVED all the animals. Ryan and I each bought the boys a shirt and toy as a souviner. Jace picked a white tiger, which he says is not a tiger but a "kitty". Kayson grabbed a stuffed bald eagle and would NOT let go. Isaac picked a drum which was awesome until he wanted to practice playing it all the time. But hey, it was nice to see they all enjoyed it. Ryan and I did too. I was worried about the boys running off, but they listened so well! I'm so proud of you boys! Thank you for a memorable time!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Earlier this year I auditioned for the Outlaw Trail Theatre's production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I made it into the cast as part of the ensemble!!! What an incredilbe experience!!! I loved every minute despite all the sweat, blood, and tears shed throughout the 2 months of work it took to put it on. To be around all those amazing people, and to be able to share in something like that again brought so much joy to my life, as well as to my family's life. Here are a few pictures to enjoy!

Purple People Eater

Kayson is in a stage where he loves to get into things. Who am I kidding??? He's ALWAYS been in that stage. He got into the powdered grape juice mix this time. Crazy kid....

Jace Turned 4!

On July 15th, 2008 Jace was born. His arrival changed my entire life. And this year, he turned 4! Happy Birthday to my dare devil of a son! We all love you! (p.s. sorry for lack of pictures. I video recorded all of us singing happy birthday to him and after that forgot to take more pictures. Maybe next year!)