Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh What A Beautiful Morning...

You know snow is not my idea of fun, nor is it my favorite season. I hate driving in it, it's cold, and most recently I gained a resentment towards sledding in it. (Due to a rock meeting my butt) But I do have to say that it is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. For the last few mornings I've had my blinds pulled up and have been able to look outside when I wake up. The frost on the trees was too gorgeous to pass up taking pictures of. Here's to the snow!

These are all taken in my parents front yard.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Few Of My Favorite Things...

Hello Everyone! I had a fantastic weekend with my wonderful husband and Jace! I hope you had a great weekend as well. So to start this week off I decided to do a post of Jace's favorite things. Hope you enjoy!

My favorite things are toys of any kind that can fit in my mouth, watching Mom try and get a picture of me smiling, (It can't be done!) reading books with Mom and looking at the pictures, but most of all I LOVE MY BATH TIME!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Congrats Eleasha and Tyler!

Hey here's a shout out to the newest parents on the block; Tyler and Eleasha! Their first baby boy came this morning at 7:30 weighing in at 5lbs 6oz and was 19 inches long! His name is Wyatt Ray McKee. Congrats you guys and can't wait to see the little bundle of joy!!!!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Men's worst fear!

Zachary King is my sister Melanies' 3rd child. He is 7 and already scared of going bald. Well, Mel came out for Christmas and I don't know if it was a dare or she had planned to do it, but she buzzed his hair. Hearing the screams from my moms bathroom I would have thought he broke his arm. Well I took my camera and recorded it. If you can't hear what their saying let me know and I'll write it down. Lainee says something that can't be missed. (Lainee is Mels youngest and she is almost 3)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Home Update

Hello All! Well I just thought I would put in a note that our foundation to the house is built! And now I can tell you that we decided to go with a stick built home instead of a manufactured one. I was talking with Natasha yesterday and she asked me how things were going, and when I told her, she had no clue what I was talking about. I didn't want to tell anyone until the house was started. If you don't know what the difference is between stick built home and manufactured one, it's ok. Stick built is where they build the home on site or on the land it will be on. Manufactured is where they build the home at a factory and then drive it on large trucks to the site.
So there's our news. I had better go. I think Jace is teething because he is constantly whinning!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolutions

Well it's 2009!!! Every year I try to do some New Years Resolutions. I make some easy to do and some hard. This year since Ryan got me Wicked tickets, I made a resolution to loose 60 pounds before that big event which will happen on April 11th. Wish me luck.

I guess I will do an update and call it good for the night. Ryan is doing ok at work. If you have read the newspaper you'll read that his store is one that sold alcohol to minor in a sting operation. So he is a little stressed about the meeting the town is going to hold next Wednesday. Isaac is doing great! We got to have him the Sunday after Christmas until January 4th. He had a rough night where he was sick and I got to stay up with him holding a trash can, but thankfully it was over the next day and he was able to go sledding with his cousins. Jace is his normal happy self and makes me laugh more and more each day. He can sit up by himself now and he snorts when he laughs. As for me I am glad that Christmas is over and life is back to normal. We had a lot of people at my mom's house for the wonderful holiday and it was noisy for a whole week! Jace didn't know what to do because of all the noise and was a little onry at times. But it was fun while it lasted. Our house is finally being built and the estimated time it will be finished is March 15th. I can't wait!!

Well that looks good for now. My other new years resolution is to keep this blog updated at least once a week. Talk to you soon!