Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This year we had a lot more fun trick-or-treating! Our ward, along with 2 other wards, had a trunk-or-treat at our old church house. We left at 5:30 all dressed up. Jace was a skeleton (and earlier he was a dead cowboy) and Kayson was a lion! We were ready to get some candy! Jace had the funniest look on his face the whole time we were at the church. He thought everyone's costumes were interesting, but his favorite part was walking up to the back of the cars to get the treats. He was on cloud 9 the entire time!

We left the church and hit a couple of friends house on our street. Then we went to Aunt Cami and Uncle James' house. It took Jace a second to realize who they were! We got candy and a few pictures with them, then left for Grandma and Grandpa Hartle's house.

Jace got a whole cup of candy there! We all took pictures of the boys in their costumes then ate dinner. When we left for home, both boys were so tired they slept the whole way there and while I changed them into pajamas. I didn't hear a peep the rest of the night. I think I like Halloween :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I can't take credit for this post. My neighbor Katie bought pumpkins, and asked me if I wanted to carve them with her. Otherwise I wouldn't have done it this year. Shame on me! It was a BLAST!

My neighbor Katie has two boys. Dominic and Gabrielle. Both of her boys are 2 months older than each of my boys. What awesome neighbors to have! Dominic and Jace play at each others' house ALL DAY! I can't wait for Gabrielle and Kayson to enjoy their friendship when they're older.

Here are the pictures from last nights fun:

Katie bought the carving kits after last years Halloween. She paid PENNIES on the dollar for them. I know what I'm doing next week! Shopping for next years costumes!

The boys didn't do much after we gutted the pumpkins. They went and played while Katie and I did the rest.

My pumpkin is the monster. Katie's is a bat in front of a moon. Pretty good huh!

Gabrielle LOVED his pumpkin!

Kayson didn't pay too much attention to his.


Friday, October 29, 2010

What To Do When...

Your tire blows 1 mile from your exit off I-15:

-Have your brother-in-law watch for a good place to pull off
-Have same brother-in-law unload trunk and get spare out
-Have brother-in-law change tire
-Load trunk while brother-in-law cleans his hands with baby wipes

This was my situation a few weekends ago. Thankfully Cami and James rode with me on our trip to my nephew Bradley's ordination in Tooele. I don't know what I would have done without them! Especially with two boys in the car. Probably panicked. This was my first experience with ANY flat tire on the inter-state, and I think I handled it well thanks to James. He changed that tire in 10 minutes! I've never seen one changed so fast. We then followed my Mom and Dad home going 45 miles an hour. LONGEST 2 1/2 hour ride home EVER! Needless to say NO ONE in my car is allowed to complain about following parents home in their shaky-trailer-truck because they'll only be going 50 mph. Bad carma.

Oh the fun didn't stop there either. After our camping trip for UEA, I came back to my "Dollar Car" dead. OH and we can't forget the flat tire with a screw in it. Thanks to my awesome brother Logan and my awesome Dad, they started the car (which died because a certain little 2 year old left some rear-view mirror lights on) and switched the tire. The tire turned out to be an easy $11.00 fix and we're all good now. So in 1 month I took care of 2 tires and a dead battery! WOO HOO! (not)

My fixin car days are over for now. They work, but I still need to buy new tires for my Nissan. So if you know of any good deals for 18 inch rims out there PLEASE let me know!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Horsing Around

When Isaac came out during his school break, we all had a chance to go four-wheeling. Well afterwards Uncle Troy hadn't put the horses up from their ride, so we grabbed the chance to let the boys ride them. I LOVED watching Isaac and Samuel ride! They looked just like the best little cowboy buddies EVER!

Jace LOVED, LOVED, LOVED riding horses! In fact he would throw the BIGGEST tantrum EVER when we took him off the horse. Seeing his face light up that day made me smile. I guess we'll have to have Uncle Troy teach him to ride now :)

Kayson didn't really get to have an opinion. I don't think he got a chance. Who could with Jace screaming the whole time to get off!

I love seeing Ryan on the horses. He would race Samuel around the small pasture, and my heart would flutter! I can't help but swoon when he does that! Every time I see him race across the ground on a horse I picture in my head The Man From Snowy River.

*sigh* He's so beautiful. I'm the luckiest girl in the world :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma Merkley!!!

Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!!! We LOVE you!!!

To make a long story short....

It's been a LONG 3 weeks! Ryan went to Oklahoma on October 3rd to start a 3 week training for his new job at Schlumberger (pronounced Slumber-jay). Needless to say I've been hiding out in my house, cleaning, doing laundry, and missing my husband. Thankfully the last week and a half was filled with camping, staying at Grandma Merkley's so we have a lot to post now.

First thing I wanted to post about was Kayson's surgery. Yep. He had tubes put in both ears yesterday. He did great! We got to the Roosevelt hospital at 7 am and Dr. Catten took Kayson for surgery at 7:40. Ten minutes later Dr. Catten came out said he was finished and Kayson will be coming out in about 15 minutes. WOW. That was a fast surgery! 15 minutes later a red-faced, crying Kayson came out. He looked very sad! The nurse said he took a big gulp of anethesia and it would wear off in about 4 hours. We decided to not hang out at the hospital and left for Grandma Merkley's to pick up Jace. He spent the night (Thanks Mom). He seemed his happy little self a couple of hours later, and by 2 pm he was ready for his 4 month check-up. Even if he'll be 5 months on Wednesday.

Yeah I know. I was a mean Mom. But I figured since he was on Tylenol already I might as well get his shots. Plus I wanted to see how much my little man grew over the last couple of months. His stats were:

Weight: 16 pounds 15 ounces (70%)
Length: 27.5 inches (95%)

So looks like we have a Big & Tall boy on our hands right now. The Dr. couldn't believe how big he was and how long! I couldn't either! Only 2 weeks ago he weighed 15 pounds 4 ounces. I love it! He did great with his shots. Only cried for a second, then he fell asleep on the way home. Today he is tired and a little grumpy, but he is doing great! I can't wait to see him smile because he is pain free and able to sleep better! I love you little buddy!