Wednesday, December 28, 2011


"Masquerade! Paper faces on parade. Masquerade, hide your face so the world will never find you."

I have been thinking a lot lately. Ok, so that's basically all I've done. In fact I've done that so much, I've regressed back into depression and had to get some medication again.


Why? Well a lot of things really. But one thing has really stuck to my mind.

People surprise me. I must give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I must believe in my soul that everyone has good in them. That's what I was taught growing up. That's what I still believe today. But I found out (6 years of finding out actually) that not everyone thinks like this. Or that if they say they do, they don't act on it.

People make mistakes. Big ones sometimes.

So what??? Isn't that life???

I've done stupid things. I've had family do stupid things. So why is it so hard to allow yourself to move on from that mistake to the greater things??? Why waste time on such negetive feelings??? It's EXHAUSTING!!!

Sometimes people don't even realize the impact they might have on someone succeeding in life because they can't get past the hurt to forgive. Instead they put on masks. They pretend everything is hunky-dory until it's time to take it off. Then the true feelings come out. And those feelings are ugly! You know what I had to do if I didn't get along with my sister Taci??? We had to hold hands while doing chores!!! By the end we were laughing and actually hugged each other when finished.

I have to admit that I have had a mask on too. I haven't posted about it because deep down it still hurts. Ryan and I were pregnant earlier this year. I miscarried the baby in October. In public I have my happy mask on, but when I'm home and I catch myself off guard, I sob. I know it'll get easier, but right now it just plain hurts to realize what we've gone through.

So what is it I'm getting at???

Don't hide behind a mask. If someone is struggling, be the person to make them feel less like a loser and idiot for things they may have done, or things they are going through. You may find in the future that they can return the favor. Nobody is perfect! You can't go back to Heaven as innocent as you were when you left. You have to have experiences in this life, and sometimes I believe they are going to be bad ones.

And one thing I've noticed is: how you treat others when they are going through rough times, is a trial for YOU too.

You really do find out "who your friends are" at the hardest time in your life. And those are the ones to hang on to. Past and all.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Merkley Christmas Party 2011

This year I was in charge of the Merkley Christmas Party! I had NO clue what I wanted to do for the party (themes help me a lot!) so I hopped online and came across some masquerade masks. Lightbulb!

So, since the masquerade masks started in Venice, Italy I decided on a Italian themed Christmas! It turned out to be a blast! We ate a home-made version of Olive Garden's "Tour of Italy" dish. YUMMY!!! Then for dessert I made Italian sugar cookies. Let's just say that I will be the reason everyone on the "Merkley's Biggest Loser" is going to gain a few ounces. Sorry :)

For activities we did a gingerbread contest:

Mom and Dad's entry:

Matt and Andrea's entry:

It screams Matt doesn't it :)

Melanie and Scott's entry:

If you hadn't guessed alreay Melanie WON!!! Congrats Mel!!!

I have to put in Zachary's entry:

Great creativity Zachary!

Kari and Aaron's kids made some ADORABLE sleighs which I didn't even get a picture of! Sorry guys!

Logan and Cassie's entry:

Cami and James' entry:

It was supposed to look better, but it fell apart :)

And my and Ryan's entry:

Mine was 2nd place :)

We also made our very own masks:

After singing Christmas carols, which also began in Italy, we cleaned up the mess and sent everyone home.

Thanks guys for such a wonderful party! You all helped out with the food, and it was SO good to have everyone in my home! Thanks for leaving the Christmas spirit as well!

I love you!!! Have a Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011


It's Isaac's 10th birthday today!!! (We'll have a party for him later on since he's spending his birthday with his Mom this year.)

I just wanted to post a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Isaac!!!

Isaac 6 years old:

Isaac 8 years old:

Isaac 10 years old: (almost)

Love you Bubba!!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Day at the Park

Today was SO beautiful that we just HAD to get out of the house and take full advantage of it before winter!

We went to the park since we hadn't gone for a while and had too much fun! Kayson finally figured out how to go down the slide by himself! He was so proud of himself! Once he figured that out he kept racing up the stairs to go down again. I caught it on video, but it won't download. So this is a picture of him going up the stairs backwards.

Jace is a virtual dare devil on the equipment and learned how to climb down from a crazy "S" shaped ladder (seen in the background of this picture). Even though he fell the first couple of times, he didn't cry and kept going until he figured it out. After he made it down without falling he told me "Mommy! I smart!". I agree Jace. You are very smart!

It was so much fun to watch my boys. They have grown so much, and I have enjoyed every minute!"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween 2011

"Count Jace":

"Curious Kayson":


Monday, October 24, 2011


So Isaac was able to play FOOTBALL this year!!! We were so excited for him and the challenge he took on of playing. If you know him at all, he's not the most balanced kid but already we can see a HUGE improvement in not only balance, but focus as well, and he's a lot happier!

Isaac we are SO proud of you and can't wait to see what other sports you play in! Good luck kido!

(Here are a couple of pictures from one of his games. I wasn't able to make it, but Ryan got a few "good" shots) He's #20:

(Far right)


Jace with Grandma and Grandpa Hartle:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Creepy Sleeper...

Jace can literally fall asleep ANYWHERE, and in ANY position! It makes for great laughs and memories, but I have to say it can creep me out sometimes:

Here's a close up:


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Gone Fishing

Sorry for the lateness of the post, but the pictures were on Ryan's camera. While Isaac was out here for summer, Jay took us fishing!!! The boys had a TON of fun, and I'm thinking it needs to happen more often :)

Samuel was the only one who caught (and released) a fish, although I came pretty close! (Darn fishing line broke)



Jace, Me, and Samuel:

I picked this picture because it shows how BORED Isaac got *snicker* 30 minutes was all he could handle.

I love this picture of Samuel

Jace was constantly "helping":

Can't leave without dipping the feet in the water!

Friday, October 7, 2011

My Little Photographer

Jace has quite the talent of taking pictures. Maybe I'll enlist his help for our family Christmas picture this year :)

Oh Kayson...

I hear myself saying this....a LOT. Kayson just LOVES to "discover" things. Not very surprising to me because Jace was exactly the same. I just forgot how MUCH they can get into. (I need to buy new child proof gagets because he broke most of them)

Here is his most recent "discovery":

Yep. And I had just cleaned it. I guess he took the liberty to show me all the places I missed.

Oh Kayson...

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Been Too Long...

Sorry for the lack of posts. My husband's camera currently has all the pictures from our family reunion and other fun stuff we've been up to, but every time I remember to get it out of his truck he's already at work.

So I will try to be dilligent in getting it tonight (since he doesn't have to work tomorrow) and post more soon!

Till then have a great weekend!!!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Are What You...


Last year I did a post about "Dennis The Menace" being Jace's all time favorite movie. And to be honest the word "menace" could be used to describe Jace. (In a good way of course)

Well now it's time to do a post about Kayson's all time favorite movie:

Seriously???? This is what he looks like during the ENTIRE movie:

Hmmm...... Which personality will come from this???

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just Whistle While You Work

My boys LOVE (and that's an understatement) going to see Ryan at work. What kid wouldn't??? You get to ride on a fork lift (which Jace calls his tractor) and run around the huge isles without hearing Mom or Dad yell to stop or get put in the seatbelt of shopping carts for not listening. I swear Jace can't wait until he's old enough to work. He gets so hyper when he comes back from "helping" Ryan that he literally will not stop talking the rest of the day! And it continues through the weekend because he helps Ryan wash his dirty truck every Saturday. Isaac loves to spend time there as well. He has to do a few chores, but does it anyway so Ryan will take him on the road for deliveries. Totally worth it for him :) Kayson is only fascinated with the horn on the fork lift. He laughs SO hard whenever it's pushed.

Here's a few pictures:

I guess it's really true what they say; "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life".