Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm a...


That's right everyone. Jace is potty trained!!! I know we have weeks before he's "fully" potty trained (where Mom doesn't have to help undress and dress, or wipe) but the biggest hurdle is over!

I can't believe how hard I was making it. When Jace started showing interest in going "potty" (I actually hate saying potty, but with kids it's not something I can avoid) back in December I thought it would be an easy thing.


3 months later our only progress was he would go #1 when he was naked. When we moved into our house other things (sickness, unpacking, stress) just took priority. I had reason for delaying this too. I wanted to get MY head on straight before trying to potty train him again. I didn't want it to be a rollercoaster event in my house. I had remembered my friend Kodi was training her little boy (who is younger than Jace) and was having lots of success. I emailed her and asked her for advice to which she replied and told me about "The 3-day Potty Training System". Only available for download on the website. Cost $25.00

I thought... "heck. Why couldn't I do that???" So I got the download of the book and read it. I liked it. It made it simple. It put less stress on me, and it was JUST what I was looking for. It used positive re-inforcement and plain common-sense to help Jace recognize his body's signals, and taught ME how to help him know what to do when they came. Here's how it went:

Day #1: JACE threw away his diapers. Thus leaving us with no crutch to go back on. I was instructed to not go anywhere for the 3 days so I could be with Jace as he learned his body signals and so I could teach him what to do when they came. It wasn't that hard! Jace wore just a shirt and underwear and going #1 was EASY. When it came time for him to go #2 (a signal which he knew because he would tell me his tummy hurt) I would take him to the bathroom. After a 3-4 times of doing this (and him not going), and using a "potty brush" which was my blush brush (just an object to distract him until he was more comfortable with the process) he finally accomplished that hurdle! I know it seems weird to be excited about that, but our last attempt before all this he kept it in until he was constipated.

Day #2: I knew this day could make or break us. Thankfully with all the positive words and rewards for everytime he was dry, it went wonderfully! No accidents!

Day #3: The final day was just as easy as the 2nd day. No accidents other than he woke up a little wet (he threw up the night before so I gave him liquid before bed to help keep him hydrated). I did as the book instructed and took him potty anyway and he actually still had to go. That leads me to believe he stopped himself from completely wetting the bed!

So that's it. Pretty simple huh! And if you're wondering about night time, he wakes up when he needs to go and I help him. Even if it's at midnight.

Jace, Mom and Dad are SO proud of you!!! We're excited that you are growing up and can't wait to take you to the store and get you your "Big Boy" present!!!

I LOVE this sight!

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