Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Home-made Goodness!

Doesn't it make your mouth water! Home-made ham and cheese hot pockets! A few weeks ago I got the biggest craving for Mom's home-made hot pockets! I called Mom and she laughed because Erin and Andrew put that on the "foods that Erin's Mom is going to tingle our taste-buds with while she's here" list. It must be the Spring air because Kari put that on her monthly menu too.

So Kari, Cassie, and I (I love that our names all start with a 'K' sound) started out by making 3 batches of bread dough. Then while it raised Cassie filled us in about healthy eating/living/exercising stuff she read about (which she will post about at a later date on the Merkley's Biggest Loser blog). Let's just say WOW! It's going to be a great summer!

Then when the dough was ready, we pinched a ball of dough flat with our bare hands and filled it with leftover ham and swiss cheese (leftover ham from a previous dinner was 100 times better than the packaged one I brought). To make it extra yummy, after we folded it over and closed the sides, we laid them on cornmeal!, and baked until golden brown.

They tasted SO GOOD! Needless to say we were so proud of our work, we're going to do this a little more often :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's just a little...

... blood

Jace had an accident with a garden tool. Jace-0, Tool-1. Thankfully we didn't need to go anywhere, and the cool wash cloth took care of the pain. Welcome Spring!!!

... change

I turned 27 two days ago. I was going to do a cute post to celebrate, but I realized that it's just another year. It wasn't a big deal to me this year. Usually it is, but for some reason I've done more thinking this time about how I want to live the next year of my life :) I had an amazing birthday thanks to my wonderful husband (who gave me a hair cut for my present) and my amazing sisters who took me out to Zupa's for lunch (incredible!), then made me a delicious chocolate cake with strawberries on top, drizzled with more chocolate and marshmellow goodness and banana splits (Kari insisted that it was going to be some-what healthy) Thanks everyone for the wonderful birthday!!!

Then to make my birthday even more special, my sister went into labor!!! That was some awesome news, and yesterday:

Van Andrew Wheeler (7 pounds 6 ounces, 20 3/4 inches long) made his debute!!! Congratulations Erin and Andrew and big sister Alesa!!!

And to top off the rest of the changes in the Hartle family...we all got hair cuts...




Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm a...


That's right everyone. Jace is potty trained!!! I know we have weeks before he's "fully" potty trained (where Mom doesn't have to help undress and dress, or wipe) but the biggest hurdle is over!

I can't believe how hard I was making it. When Jace started showing interest in going "potty" (I actually hate saying potty, but with kids it's not something I can avoid) back in December I thought it would be an easy thing.


3 months later our only progress was he would go #1 when he was naked. When we moved into our house other things (sickness, unpacking, stress) just took priority. I had reason for delaying this too. I wanted to get MY head on straight before trying to potty train him again. I didn't want it to be a rollercoaster event in my house. I had remembered my friend Kodi was training her little boy (who is younger than Jace) and was having lots of success. I emailed her and asked her for advice to which she replied and told me about "The 3-day Potty Training System". Only available for download on the website. Cost $25.00

I thought... "heck. Why couldn't I do that???" So I got the download of the book and read it. I liked it. It made it simple. It put less stress on me, and it was JUST what I was looking for. It used positive re-inforcement and plain common-sense to help Jace recognize his body's signals, and taught ME how to help him know what to do when they came. Here's how it went:

Day #1: JACE threw away his diapers. Thus leaving us with no crutch to go back on. I was instructed to not go anywhere for the 3 days so I could be with Jace as he learned his body signals and so I could teach him what to do when they came. It wasn't that hard! Jace wore just a shirt and underwear and going #1 was EASY. When it came time for him to go #2 (a signal which he knew because he would tell me his tummy hurt) I would take him to the bathroom. After a 3-4 times of doing this (and him not going), and using a "potty brush" which was my blush brush (just an object to distract him until he was more comfortable with the process) he finally accomplished that hurdle! I know it seems weird to be excited about that, but our last attempt before all this he kept it in until he was constipated.

Day #2: I knew this day could make or break us. Thankfully with all the positive words and rewards for everytime he was dry, it went wonderfully! No accidents!

Day #3: The final day was just as easy as the 2nd day. No accidents other than he woke up a little wet (he threw up the night before so I gave him liquid before bed to help keep him hydrated). I did as the book instructed and took him potty anyway and he actually still had to go. That leads me to believe he stopped himself from completely wetting the bed!

So that's it. Pretty simple huh! And if you're wondering about night time, he wakes up when he needs to go and I help him. Even if it's at midnight.

Jace, Mom and Dad are SO proud of you!!! We're excited that you are growing up and can't wait to take you to the store and get you your "Big Boy" present!!!

I LOVE this sight!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sisters... the Mister who comes between me and my Sister...but Gee help the Sister who comes between me and my Man!!

Today my sisters have been CONSTANTLY on my mind. I have one who I live next to who has been a life-saver to my sanity since we moved here, one who is about to have baby #2, and one who just paid off a ton of debt that I'm so proud of! So I decided to do a post about each of them.

My sister Cami gave me a book of poems about sisters for my 19th birthday that I FINALLY read all the way through last night. I found one that describes my sisters to a T:

No One Knows Me Better than You, Sister

Our hearts are intertwined in a history of shared memories. We lived the same childhood, broke many of the same rules, and learned lessons from each other and from life.
Because of this, you understand not only where I've come from, but who I really am. We each have chosen our own path in life. Yet our paths inevitably converge again and again as time goes by, for we never lose sight of their origin.
Over the years, we've talked and laughed, listened and cried, supported and understood in ways no one else could. Even when we don't see eye to eye, I know you only want the best for me - just as I do for you.
No matter what else happens in my life - no matter how many times I change direction or make mistakes - I know you will always be there for me.
Your love is very special. It centers me and takes me back. It challenges me and leads me forward. I'm so glad that we will always be sisters and friends.

- Pamela Koehlinger

Sister #1 Melanie:

Melanie is the oldest sister. To me she is the teacher sister. She lets you make mistakes and shows you how to do better. I wanted her hair growing up! It was dark, curly, and BIG! I always loved it when she did my hair for school! I remember when we'd visit her after she had her first baby Bradley and lived in that tiny apartment. I got to see what she was like as a wife and mother. Watching her I couldn't wait to be a wife and mother myself one day. She had a cute way of decorating her home and still does (which is why we like the Merkley Christmas party at her house)! I admire her for her patience in teaching her kids to play the piano as well as anything their hearts desire to accomplish. She and Kari have had a great impact on my mothering/housekeeping skills.

Sister #2 Kari:

To me Kari is the mother sister. She is always making sure you are living to your fullest potential. Growing up I wanted her talent of dancing! I LOVED watching her clog and I LOVED her smile!!! Besides my own Mom, Kari is where I've learned a lot of my skills for cooking, cleaning, organizing (don't laugh), and taking care of kids. She may seem crazy busy all the time, but underneath I see she has it all together. One thing I remember about her is when Taci and I were fighting one day a long time ago, she made us do all our chores holding hands! Kari is also the sister that made sure we were always "fashionable" where ever we went! She is fun to be around and the parties are ALWAYS at Kari's.

Sister #3 Erin:

Erin to me is the sister who brings out the best in you. Growing up I loved to listen to her play the piano! Especially Christopher's Dream (I think that's its name) She is the sister who puts a passion in you to take risks and make mistakes. To do daring things and experience all life has to offer. Something I still do today. Because of her I've been ALL around the world and can't say enough of how grateful I am that I've had some amazing experiences most people will never get. One thing I remember most is when I drove for the first time on the interstate and she was with me. Erin would drive me NUTS when she would make me try to figure out where to go on my own! (rude I know) Thankfully before I had a nervous breakdown she would tell me which exit to take and what turns to make.

Sister #4 Taci:

Taci to me is the sister I always wanted to BE. Growing up she had this one shirt I would steal and wear when I knew she wouldn't be around to see me. I thought she looked SO beautiful in it, and I wanted to look just like her! She is also the one sister I fought with the most. I think it's because I'm jealous she can make our ENTIRE family laugh and smile at the drop of a hat with her funny "stories". She has an amazing talent of singing that she uses to entertain people and make them smile. One that melts hearts every time she uses it. Taci is also really good at anything! She trys EVERYTHING (including being a vegetarian) and isn't afraid if it doesn't work out. She just keeps going until she finds what she likes.

Sister #5 Camela:

a.k.a. Cami is the youngest sister and the baby of the family. Enough said...

Just kidding! Cami is the sister I was closest to. Maybe because Taci and I didn't get along all the time, and the other girls were into things I wasn't because of age difference growing up, but she is the one sister I share EVERYTHING with. Growing up it was favorite movies and books, neighborhood games, and secrets about boys! And it was a fairy-tale sharing a room with her until my senior year of high school (not really, she was a messy roommate). She is the sister that I still share my secrets with, dreams and goals with, and no matter how weird or stupid or out of reach they seem, she is the one to always tell me to go for it, or even jump on board with me! She is also the one I tend to lecture. I feel as her bigger sister that I have wisdom I need to pass on to her even if she does not want to hear it! Growing up we promised that we would be each others Maid of Honor at our wedding receptions:

And we were! Even at 9 months pregnant I was her beautiful maid of honor! (I didn't want to be called the matron of honor, it made me feel old)

Now that we're all "grown-up" and living outside of the home I've come to realize that I still rely on them like I did before. I ask for advice on how to raise my kids, cook new menus, where to go for fun, or just sit and chat. I'm so thankful I HAVE wonderful sisters that I can look up to and be with for the rest of eternity!

My sisters... I LOVE YOU!!! Thanks for always looking out for me and making me into the person I am today!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So ready for....


Jace has been in potty training mode since December. He was doing great until we moved. I knew that he would regress, but he kept ON regressing. So I decided to get back on track. I got the 3-day potty training book and started today. Jace personally threw away his diapers and has been doing wonderful this morning! He has yet to go #2 (which has been an issue because he holds it in when he wears underwear) but he knows he doesn't have any diapers anymore. We'll just have to wait and see what happens :)

Mr. Kayson is SO ready to be a big kid too! He LOVES big brother Jace, and he will not stop whining until I hold his hands to help him walk around the house. He will stand for a few seconds at a time, and I know it won't be long before he'll take those first steps. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by!

We are loving our new house, but miss Grandma and Grandpa's very much! We can't wait to see them this weekend for Samuel's baptism!!! We send them letters and art in the mail which has been a lot of fun, and we're sending this next:

We love you all! See you soon!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Guess What...

More of this:

to come soon!!!

(I bought a battery for my camera)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Busy Bee's

Sorry for the lack of posts. One HUGE reason for the slack is I have no camera because my battery is dead. You'd think that would be an easy fix, but I'm trying to save money and it's not in my budget this month.

Then I am working on putting together a concert for a former teacher who is having health problems. I have until the end May to pull it off and it's been a struggle to get things moving right now. I hate the waiting game...

Things are good at our new house. I have everything in place (at least all the important things) and my clutter to go through is at an all-time low. The boys have been sick, but Kayson was finally given an antibiotic and is sleeping much better. Jace on the other hand we have to re-train to stay in his bed all night. Yeah :)

I'll try to update more another day!