Friday, June 5, 2009

Co-Workers to Friends to Adopted Aunts

Ok before I start, I just have to tell you that Jace has a new trick:

Now that we are living in Vernal, we are 2 minutes away from "Aunt" Char Lee and soon we'll be a few minutes away from "Aunt" Andrea. Char Lee and Andrea (a.k.a. Char and Drea) worked with me at Mountain America at the Vernal branch. As soon as I found out Char liked broadway and Rigoletto, we became immediate friends! Drea was the sweet adorable girl you can't help but be friends with! Both of them were one of the firsts to know I was pregnant with Jace. Char even braved the waters and was one of the first to visit me in the hospital when he finally arrived. Even though I don't remember too much of what was said. Drea had her first son Landon four months after Jace was born, and I LOVE talking with her about our babies and how fast they grow and have play dates and such! I look at Landon and remember the days of when Jace was small and just learning things and I look at Drea and see what an awesome job she's doing at being a mom!

Char and Drea have been such a blessing in our lives and Jace just adores them! I don't have any pictures of Andrea or Char yet, but I do have this video of Char playing with Jace that I got on Wednesday. She came over for a girls day and we scrapbooked and talked about Project Runway. Then we ate dinner with our husbands and watched a movie. It was SO fun!! I'll have more to tell about Andrea soon because we have a play date next Wednesday. Thank you girls for all the fun memories!! And thank you for being a part of our lives!!

1 comment:

Brenton and Andrea said...

How cute! You are so adorable! Way cute movie! I sure miss that girl! Landon sure loves his "Aunt" Katie too! :) See ya Wednesday!