Jace has had quite the adventureous month. He hit his head on the corner of the entertainment center hard enough it cut his skin and started bleeding. I was a little shocked, but my insticts kicked in and we had tissues and a first aid kit in the kitchen and in seconds he was fine. Thank you to Aunt Pam and Uncle Ken whose idea it was to get us a first aid kit for our wedding! It's come in VERY handy!
Then on Tuesday I was making nutrional bars to take on a trip. I gave him a little peanut butter thinking he was old enough by now. I didn't notice anything was wrong until his face broke out in hives and his eyes started getting puffy. The doctors office wasn't open yet, so I called everyone I could think of to help. Well thankfully we had some childrens allergy medicine and I gave him 1/4 teaspoon. Thank you to whoever gave that advice to Ryan. He was back to normal an hour later. That was scary. I kept checking his mouth to make sure it wasn't closing, but it looked normal the whole time.
Then Ryan and I left him with Grandma JoAnn on Wednesday so we could go on a business trip to Minnesota for 4 days. Well, Thursday night she called me saying the rash on his mouth was getting worse. I had seen it get pretty bad, so I told her what I did and left it at that. Friday she called me and told me she took him to the doctor because he had a high fever (102!) and the doctor said Jace has Impetigo. It's a skin infection and gave him antibiotics. That's when the worry set in. I wouldn't be able to see him until Monday and I was feeling like I should go home then. Mom assured me on Saturday he was doing a lot better dispite him not eating or resting very well and told me not to worry. Sunday he started not feeling well again, so I was glad we were on our way home. Grandma Lois took care of him on Sunday, so Mom could do her church calling of primary. Thank you to both these amazing women who helped out while I was gone!! Monday finally arrived and we were on our way home to our boy. I couldn't wait. The only thing that made me think it was bad was when Lois said to be prepared for what we were going to see. YIKES!! I finally pulled up and this is what I saw:
Yeah. That's what I thought. I didn't cry, but he sounded horrible, so we called the doctor again and thankfully got another appointment for an hour later. I cried a little on the way over, 1 because I was so happy to see him and 2 because I felt so bad he wasn't feeling good. The doctor gave him another perscription and took some cultures and told us to just let it take it's course and heal. His face gets better a little each day and his appetite is much better as well. He slept with me two nights in a row, but last night he slept in his crib ALL NIGHT!! I'm so glad he's getting better!
1 comment:
Ohhhh! Poor guy! That looks painful!
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