"It started. The labor pains were finally so close this baby was going to come any second! Right on schedule. Now if only dad would get on top of things and get home so he can take me to the hospital. Phone calls had been made and the anger was building up inside me for how slow he was at getting home. Finally after my sister Pam called and threatened him with his life, he came home. We left the house and arrived at the hospital at 10:00 am. Our first sight when we got there was the doctor was on his way out. As he saw me coming, his eyes rolled and he walked back inside. He'd had a long night and was just on his way home to a warm bed and meal. Oh well. The wonderful nurse Judy was at my side the moment I arrived and finally had time to check me. Complete. That was all that was said and the delivery staff was put on FULL alert!!"
At 10:15 am (Incase you missed my favorite part, it was only 15 minutes of labor for my mom) Katie Ellen Merkley was born. 7 lbs 11 ozs. Olive skin, bald, round, and cute as a button!! She is the 8th child out of what would become 10.
That is the story I ask my mom to tell every year for my birthday. I love it!! It's my birthday and I've never felt better! Hurray for being 25!!!!!!!!!
1 day ago
You're so cute!
haha, after 8 kids I would HOPE labor would become shorter!!!
I was there!!! If I hadn't harassed your dad, you would have been born at home. Not what I wanted to have happen. Aunt Pam
LOL Aunt Pam thanks to you I was born in a sterile environment!!
Yay!! What a cute little story! Happy birthday! Hope you had a great one and got to do lots of fun stuff!
Hey, Happy birthday from a sister who was thinking of you on your birthday but forgot to call.......Sorry, but I really did tell the kids in the morning that it was your birthday, because they saw it on the calendar and thought it was Katie King's b-day. Well 25, that should make you feel good at least you can still say you are not in your "late" twenties. Hope you had a great one.
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