Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Home Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Everyone!!! Well I'm counting the days down on my fingers!!! Lets hope that everything comes together this next week and we should be in the house by next weekend!!!!!!! We had the third of four walk throughs today, and I took a picture of the outside. (If you think I'm going to show you the inside before the open house you're CRAZY!) The fourth and final walk through is next Tuesday. Again this is just hoping all goes well. (I'm expecting something to take forever because that's how it is with stuff like this, especially now that we are so close). Enjoy and I'll keep you updated.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

25 Years And Still Counting!!!

"It started. The labor pains were finally so close this baby was going to come any second! Right on schedule. Now if only dad would get on top of things and get home so he can take me to the hospital. Phone calls had been made and the anger was building up inside me for how slow he was at getting home. Finally after my sister Pam called and threatened him with his life, he came home. We left the house and arrived at the hospital at 10:00 am. Our first sight when we got there was the doctor was on his way out. As he saw me coming, his eyes rolled and he walked back inside. He'd had a long night and was just on his way home to a warm bed and meal. Oh well. The wonderful nurse Judy was at my side the moment I arrived and finally had time to check me. Complete. That was all that was said and the delivery staff was put on FULL alert!!"
At 10:15 am (Incase you missed my favorite part, it was only 15 minutes of labor for my mom) Katie Ellen Merkley was born. 7 lbs 11 ozs. Olive skin, bald, round, and cute as a button!! She is the 8th child out of what would become 10.

That is the story I ask my mom to tell every year for my birthday. I love it!! It's my birthday and I've never felt better! Hurray for being 25!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


8 Months Old!

HOLY COW time flies when you don't want it to. Jace is 8 months old now, and I still can't believe it. A little information about him:
*Jace has TWO teeth
*Jace can CRAWL!!!!
*Jace weighs 20 pounds
*Jace LOVES to pull himself up on everything
*Jace now bonks his head on EVERYTHING!
*Jace says da-da-da-da-da and NOT anything even close to sounding like mama
*Jace crys everytime he sees Grandma JoAnn after she comes home from a long trip
*Jace loves cheerios and yogurt
*Jace makes FUNNY faces
*Jace LOVES playing with daddy
That's all I can think of for now. Here's some pictures! Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Pictures

These are just a few random pictures. The baby is my new niece Alesa June Wheeler. She is the daughter of my sister Erin and her husband Andrew. She was a month old yesterday! The man on the front of the Airman magazine is my cousin Cody Womack. Pretty cool huh!! (He's single incase you know anyone for him ok) The picture of my eye is what I woke up to one morning. I don't know what happened. I went to Urgent Care and they took a picture of it to put in my file. Who knows maybe it will be in a medical book one day! (HA HA HA) The picture of Ryan is when he was in the Annie play last year. He was Mr. Bundles and did a fantastic job!! The other wild kids are my nieces and nephews on Ryans side. Troy and Jamee's crazy bunch! Kelsey, Abigail, Savanah, Samuel, and Christian. (I love you guys!!) The little guy on the piano is mine. I'll claim that cute little stinker!