Monday, May 30, 2011

Kayson's 1st Birthday!!!

Kayson turned 1 last Friday! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. We celebrated with friends and family by doing a bar-b-que followed by cake and ice cream. It was a wonderful day!


Popcorn cupcakes for his birthday cake! (it was SO worth making all 250 popcorn pieces to decorate it, and thanks goes to my neighbor Katie for all her help!)

Kayson did NOT like getting messy with his cupcake. He didn't even eat it (despite Uncle Troy's attempts to help him). He'll probably make up for it next year :)

More pictures:

1 comment:

Taci Merkley said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KASON!!! Wish I was there to celebrate your first milestone!

He is absolutely adorable! You decorated your house sooooo cute!