Monday, April 11, 2011


I think Jace is homesick. For the last 2 weeks he's thrown-up at random times during the day and almost always at night. Then he's become lactose intolerant. I looked online for answers, but all they come up with is the stomach flu which can last for weeks and if it doesn't get better he would have to go on an antibiotic. My enthusiasm for that is very low, but the poor kid has had the "runs" since this started and I'm not sure how much nutrition he's retaining. Thankfully Ryan's insurance has kicked in so we'll see about a doctor visit in the near future.

The Grandma's miss the boys alot. Per the reason for the title of this post. They both think Jace is homesick, and insist that he come out to stay until he gets better :) I might take them up on that offer.

On other fun news, I made my first pie!!! I've made easy and VERY simple frozen or pudding pies before, but this time I had the urge to make this:

Home-made Apple Pie!

I know right! I feel like such a homemaker now :) I love it! My goal this year is to be able to make another one for Thanksgiving and have the crust in the TRUE latice style. As for the taste, it was amazing! And even though I worked the dough too much for the crust, I'm positive that I only need practice until I make that perfect pie crust!

I'm excited that next month is Kayson's 1st birthday! I can't wait to make his cake from scratch and decorate it!

p.s. Joker for a son....hmmm.... No thank you :)

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