Saturday, January 29, 2011


I knew it was coming. Kayson has finally started to crawl. He hasn't gone full-blown-get-into-everything-and-drive-mom-nuts crawling yet, but he's taken the first few steps, and I know it won't be much longer before he will constantly be under my feet.

Where did the time go???

p.s. We found a place to live! But because this blog isn't private, I don't want to post where. You can call me or my Mom for the details.

1 comment:

Katie Hartle said...

I subscribe to "google alerts" for my own name, "Katie Hartle" and I keep getting updates from your blog! LOL.
But it's a nice little blog, adorable, actually, so I decided to start following it. So now I'm your newest blog follower. Keep those posts coming!
-Katie Hartle