Monday, November 2, 2009

Background Buddies

I just wanted to do a post about having the same backgound as other wonderful bloggers I know.

I have to say that it's an honor to have the same taste as you! To be picking the same background as you really lets me think I have a creative side. Not only that, but the odds of us getting the same background are...what... 1 out of 5??? How COOL is that!!!

I'm just of course joking around, but incase others do pick this backgound, like I chose the same one as another awesome person a while ago,(like...Erin! You know which one I'm talking about) I won't be offended or let you know that you picked the same one as me. I will take it that we just have the same taste and want our blogs to be the most stylin!

p.s. I know that certain people (Erin) was never upset or anything, I'm just trying to make her laugh. :) I miss joking around with all you Easterners!

Talk to you soon! Love ya!

1 comment:

The Wheelers said...

Ha ha ha!!! I was just thinking...what a cute background Katie has...I wonder where she got it! Beware!