Friday, February 27, 2009

Second Tooth!!

Wow only a week later and my little boy has his second tooth! Last night he woke up about 12:00 am and was crying and crying. Well the only way he would fall back asleep was if I was laying by him. (I figured that out after trying to sneak away 4 or 5 times) He wanted his mommy.
Well this time I tried to get a picture of his teeth. It took my mom holding his hands and one of her fingers holding his tongue with me holding his mouth open and trying to focus the camera. It's not a perfect one, but if you look really hard you can see them.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I swear everyday Jace finds some new way to make me laugh! Today I bought Jace Gerber peas. (He's on the #2 stage of food Ahh) He's had some peas that I cooked and mushed up before, but he threw all of them up so I haven't tried them since. Now in honor of his moving to the next stage of food, I got him a few different kinds. Peas was one of them. I'll let the video tell the rest.

p.s. sorry about the bouncing. I don't have a high chair at mom's.

Friday, February 20, 2009

First Tooth!!

Well it finally happened. Jace just cut his first tooth yesterday! My mom checked his mouth and there it was. A little pokey tooth. Ha it's funny to look at. Sorry I don't have pictures, but I'm sure you all understand how hard it is to get a picture of a 7-months old mouth.
Teething, so far, isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. He was more fussy and chewed on a lot of toys, but that seemed to be the only thing that changed from his "normal" self. He is starting to try EVERYTHING! Everything meaning pulling himself up, getting into the crawling position from sitting, and pushing his body back and forth while in the crawling position. Sometimes he gets so frustrated that he can't move more. But when he does I'm in trouble!!
He tried his first Cheerio tonight and he loves them so far. He can't get it that when the cheerio is in his hand he can put it in his mouth. He'll just throw it down. One time I held a cheerio in my palm to him and he grabbed my hand and face plowed into it trying to get the cheerio. Ha I love being a mom!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just Thinking

While Jace is asleep I got to thinking about things. Like about life, love, and other stuff. I wanted to find a really cool quote to put under my blog title, but nothing felt right. Growing up I thought love was like living in a fairytale. Always happy, never sad, no fights, plenty of kisses, and living happily ever after. Like any other woman (I hope it's not just me) getting married and having children was not the happily ever after I thought it was going to be. While love and life has it's daily struggles, some which are hourly, they do have a qualities never known to me until now.
*Love is never lost.
*Life is more precious than anything!
*Love is the sum of understanding plus service.
*Life WILL go on.
*Love can be found daily.
It doesn't matter how mad you get or how frustrated you are or even if you think the world coming down on you would make you feel better. Life prevails. Love prevails. It'll always be ok.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Forever Sick

Mind if I whine for a second? I don't know what I have, but it feels like I've had it forever. Runny nose, then stuffy nose, flem (sp?), sore throat, tired muscles, tired body, slight fever, headaches... the list could go on. I've taken Tylenol Sinus Relief, Advil, Mucinex, Mucinex Full Throttle Nose Spray, and cough drops. Nothing has helped. Plus my Mom is coming home tonight and since I've been gone the last two days, it's cluttered. I don't want to clean.

Ok I'm done whining. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

She's HERE!

Well my sister Erin finally had her baby! She was born at 3:38 pm and weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 20 3/8 inches long. She doesn't have a name yet, but when she does I'll let you know. Again if you want to see pictures or read Andrews funny post on their blog, just click on "Andrew and Erin" under the Family and Friends list. The picture is really cute!

Monday, February 9, 2009

She's almost here!

Well Taci called my mom last night to tell us Erin was finally in labor! If you want to keep up with what's going on, you can click the "Andrew and Erin" link under Friends and Family on my blog.

I'll put more information on as I hear it. Congrats Erin and Drew!! Hang in there!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

House Update

OH MY GOSH everyone!!!! Our home is framed!!!!! It seems like it's been forever since I've had a good reason to hope that we would even get our home sooner than this year and now it's real!!!! I can't stop dreaming, thinking, hoping, painting, and designing it all in my head at least a thousand times a day. I took pictures of the outside, the frontroom, the kitchen, and the upstairs. I can't wait until it's done and you can see how it looks. The estimated date is March 20th. Just in time for my birthday! And what a memorable day it will be!!! p.s. sorry I didn't get a ton of pictures.