Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Say "Ahhhh"

My boys LOVE the camera! Not to mention Jace has taken some really good pictures! We were goofing off the other day and I took these pictures:

I love Kayson's face in this one! This is our typical day. Serious.

Then I just had my 28th birthday! It's funny how the years just keep flying by. This year I kept thinking I would feel different. Feel older or ... just ... different. But I woke up feeling the same way Jane and Michael felt when Burt tried to jump into the chalk drawing in the movie Marry Poppins. Nothing. So I made my own birthday cake, had the family over for a bbq, and went to bed 1 year older. And it turned out to be the best birthday ever :)

Happy birthday to me!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Not Clean Enough!

Letting the boys take a bath together was so cute when they were little! But when Jace taught Kayson how to splash and flood my bathroom the "fun" of it kinda stopped there. Needless to say they take baths seprate now. Well one night I got Kayson out of the tub, lotioned up, and dressed for bed while Jace had his turn in the tub. I went to get Jace's pajamas and when I walked back to the bathroom this is what I saw:

Oh Kayson. Once he realized he didn't like the wet clothes on his skin he got out. And flooded my floor. Precious moments I know.

Look at that face! I love you Mr. K!

Friday, March 16, 2012

March Already???

Wow. I didn't realize I hadn't blogged since JANUARY! Sorry for that. But the good news is I have a lot of fun stuff to blog about now :)

Last weekend was my parent's 40th wedding anniversary. My Mom assigned me to make the cake! So I waited for inspiration to hit and by Friday I had a pretty good idea of how I wanted to make it. So I spent all night baking the cake and planning on how to create my masterpiece. Next morning I loaded the cake in the back of the van, and ran inside to get the decorations. (My plan was to frost and decorate once we got to SLC) When I came back out to the car this is what I saw:

Yes. I. Bawled.

So a quick call to my Mom and she was able to get a plain frosted cake from the store. It didn't taste as good as mine would have, but the decorations turned out pretty good.

The cake's theme was "40 Years of Married LIFE". My parents were married in 1972, had kids right away, had many car wrecks, watched the kids graduate, became grandparents, traveled all over the world, and for their 40th anniversary they saw the play Zorro. It turned out cute! I have a few ideas of how I would do it differently, but everyone understood it :)

Congrats Mom and Dad on 40 years of marriage! You may have never had it all together, but together you had it all!!! I love you! We love you!

(sorry this picture is dark)